Whangarei Support after the Auckland Floods 2023

What started out as a small conversation on a Whangarei Mums page turned into meeting new friends, a radio shoutout on More FM Northland 91.6, a garage full of donations, a fun morning organizing into boxes, 2 trucks, to another garage full of donations and a team in Auckland to disperse to those affected by the Auckland Floods.
I have been saving up a couple of boxes of the kids clothes, as most do, waiting for THAT moment to donate them to a worthy cause. I had thought about sending them to Auckland after their flooding, but it would have been expensive to just send 2 boxes. Until I saw a post from Rachel Gyton on our Local Whangarei Mums page, asking exactly what I was thinking! I excitedly commented, and that started the ball rolling for us. A phone call to my Truck Driver Brother in law Nigel, and a message to my Auckland Friend who had helped open up the Scouts Den in Mangere Bridge, and we had the main parts in place.
A couple of posts, and a radio call out later and using my garage (Thanks Darren) as a drop off point, the AMAZING donations from came pouring in! So much so that within 2 days my garage was chocka!
With the help of some awesome people – Amy, Wendy, Cherie, Claire – we sorted and repackaged the donations to make it easier for the Dunamis Haulage Team to collect, palletize and send to Auckland for us.
I had originally said to Nigel that it could be 1 to 2 pallets to send on his daily run to Auckland – It ended up being 7! Plus, a truck load that Debbie from All Heart Store Kaikohe sent down for us too.
On the other end of this is Stacy Adler from @CateringbyStacy, Mangere Bridge Born and raised, who also jumps into help wherever she can! She is working alongside I Am Mangere who are door knocking every door hit by the flood in the Mangere area and surrounds and are delivering packages based on household needs.
Regarding future Donations, we are letting the wonderful Stacy and the I am Mangere Team to go through the donations they have received, and to yell out when and if they need more.
A huge Thank you to:
Everyone that donated, you are amazing!
Nigel, Karl and the Team at Dunamis Haulage Ltd
Debbie and the team at All Heart Store Kaikohe
Stacy Adler – Catering by Stacy
I AM Māngere Community Trust
Thomas Online
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